About Me

Coming Soon…

Site Background - choose the color used in the site background.

Outer Padding - sets the amount of space along the outside edge of the whole site.

Headings - controls the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of headings.

Headings Size - sets the size of the font for headings.

Headings Color - choose the color used on all headings.

Text - controls the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of body text. 

Text Size - sets the size of the font for body text.

Body Text Color - choose the color used on all body text.

Body Link Color - choose the color used on all body text links.

Body Link (Hover) Color - choose the color used on all body text links when hovered.

Quote - sets the size of the font for block quote text.

Quote Size - sets the size of the font for block quote text.

Coming Soon…

Sidebar Text Alignment - determines the text alignment within the site sidebar.

Sidebar Width - set the width of the site sidebar.

Sidebar Padding - control the amount of space between the sidebar and the page content.

Sidebar Position - choose the position of the site sidebar.

Sidebar Fixed - enable a fixed sidebar that will stay put while the site is scrolled. 


Site Title - control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of the site title.

Site Title Size - set the size of the font for the site title.

Site Title Color - choose the color used on site title.

Mobile Site Title - control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing for the site title on mobile devices.

Mobile Site Title Size - set the size of the font for the site title on mobile devices.


So Soon…

Navigation - control the font typeface, style, transform and letter spacing of the navigation links.

Navigation Size - set the size of the font for the navigation text.

Navigation Color - choose the color used for navigation links.

Navigation (Active) Color - choose the color used on all navigation links when currently being viewed.

Navigation (Hover) Color - choose the color used on all navigation links when hovered.


Secondary Navigation - control the font typeface, style, line height, transform and letter spacing of the secondary navigation text.

Secondary Navigation Size - set the size of the font for the secondary navigation text.

Secondary Navigation Color - choose the color used for secondary navigation links.